Tundenny | What you need to know and learn about Graphic Designs

As a Graphic Designer, what you need to know and Learn about Graphic Designs is pretty simple if you already have more knowledge and understanding about designs, even if you are still a beginner there should be some tips in this lesson that will enhance and give you more knowledge about Graphic Design do not forget to do all necessary practice when you’ll like to achieve a goal because the more you learn the more you get perfect in all kind of skills you are into.

First of all, never think of being a graphic designer in suddenly, try start from scratch in other to benefit all kinds of skills in designing against future time, try looking for environment where there are a lot of Graphic Designer influencers do not miss that, because being around a lot of Graphic Designers will motivate you, enhance your experience to be more creativity when doing your own graphic designs because you won’t like your colleagues graphic designs to beat yours, there will be a lot of competition around you and you will like to get more better than all.
As a Graphic Designer be part of a Drawing Artist, a graphic designer needs to know little about drawing even if you don’t know all but a little of it helps you to be more creativity when creative your own designs.
Another quicker way to rank up very fast in your design is to Google Search a lot about graphic design, this days internet already make things easier for people, Google is intelligent to understand what ever you may search online I give a very big respect to the CEO of Google Sundar Pichai. You can easily be a good graphic designer searching for necessary actions about graphic design on Google.

To become an higher rated graphic designer you need to know how to make use of Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDraw get experience in editing of photos in an higher quality, because an higher quality of Graphic Designs is mostly recommends by client’s, doing poor graphic design may lead to loosing recent customers and also loose future client’s as they says a recent customers can easily brings you future customers.

know this when learning Photoshop:

Non-Destructive Editing in Photoshop. …Discover Adjustment Layers. …Instant Automatic Photo Fixes. …Make Your Photos Pop With Levels. …Clean Up Shots With the Spot Healing Brush. …Remove Unwanted Objects From Your Photos. …Make Your Shots Black and White. …Crop Your Photos.

Learn this in illustrator:

Don’t Be Shy; Use The Pen Tool. …Use Color CC. …Get To Grips With Bezier. …Try Using Clipping Masks. …Use Online Tools. …Make Use Of Pathfinder. …Get Familiar With The Strokes Panel.

You can now proceed to CorelDraw to get more perfection in graphic design:

CorelDRAW lets you place vector objects and bitmaps, such as photos, inside other objects, or frames. Learn how to use any vector object, or artistic text, as a container for image or vector content.

After doing all this, then go on with CorelDraw software, CorelDraw is the major software mostly 99% people use to make all kind of Graphic Designs but with the help of Photoshop and Illustrator makes your designs look very decent and get you an higher quality of graphic designs, make sure when using CorelDraw master all the tools by the left corner of you computer screen do not be afraid, be bold, brave and smart, when you fail don’t give up always try again until you succeed in whatsoever you are doing.

Finally, after mastering all necessary things about graphic design, know how to do your colour separation, know more about mixing of colour to get deferent colours, do not put too much colour in designs because most time it disfigure the beauty of designs, you can manage 2 to 3 colour mixing, if design is properly arrange I believe it will come out perfectly with just 2 colours. Becoming a professional graphic designer doesn’t mean you should feel relax because some people are out there looking for more betterment than you do, practice make perfect if you continue, more enhancement will be applied to your knowledge. Keep up to good work make sure you get a lot of tutorial around you in order to increase your speed in whatsoever you do.


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